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Railfuture has 12 branches in England plus Wales and Scotland which are involved in local issues and come together to support Railfuture on national campaigns. Click on [BRANCHES] to see details of them (and click [NEWSLETTERS] for a list of latest newsletter for all branches).
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Press releases
More info or other links can be found at press releases
01/03/2024 - Railfuture on Northern Devon Railway Development Alliance inaugural event, in Bideford (183kB)
19/08/2021 - Press Release 19 August 2021 on RPI Release - Supplementary Tables (248kB)
11/07/2014 - North to get modern Southern diesels from Electrification infills (11kB)
11/05/2014 - Mary Creagh MP speaks at Railfuture AGM (73kB)
04/05/2014 - Happy 20th birthday Channel Tunnel (70kB)
18/04/2014 - HS2: Is the government prematurely closing off options? (182kB)
21/02/2014 - For HS2 demolish Euston Station and then go further (63kB)
17/02/2014 - Foot passengers badly served at ferry ports (76kB)
14/02/2014 - January 2014 inflation rate well below fare increases (58kB)
10/02/2014 - Railfuture meets Transport Minister about Somerset ITA (61kB)
23/12/2013 - January 2014 fare rises is more financial pain (60kB)
13/12/2013 - HS2 review by Transport Select Committee (58kB)
13/12/2013 - Warm welcome to further electrification of network (58kB)
11/12/2013 - Rail fares go up by twice the rate of inflation (61kB)
06/12/2013 - Cautious welcome to Uckfield-Lewes news (131kB)
05/12/2013 - Chancellor's Autumn statement (56kB)
31/10/2013 - HS2 statement - No 'do-nothing' option (55kB)
24/10/2013 - Railfuture Oxford conference brings transport experts (61kB)
03/10/2013 - Dalmeny chord press release (99kB)
30/09/2013 - Fuel duty freeze so why not rail fare freeze? (56kB)
05/09/2013 - Good news on Lewes-Uckfield rail scheme (59kB)
03/07/2013 - Welsh Transport Cttee (59kB)
14/06/2013 - East West Rail Rally (Press Release for Bedfordshire) (130kB)
14/06/2013 - East West Rail Rally (Press Release for Cambridgeshire) (130kB)
03/05/2013 - Mayor of Durham to welcome railway heavyweights (73kB)
16/03/2013 - Beeching 50th Anniversary (60kB)
11/03/2013 - Railfuture commissions JR Consulting to study Uckfield-Lewes rail reopening (241kB)
22/02/2013 - Railway far safer than roads - six years since last accident (60kB)
29/01/2013 - HS2 phase 2 (60kB)
17/01/2013 - Railfuture response to flooding of railway in Devon (58kB)
10/01/2013 - Railfuture underwhelmed by Brown review of rail franchising (57kB)
29/12/2012 - Fare rises: Enough is enough say rail campaigners (48kB)
14/12/2012 - Railfuture launches report on innovative way to grow rail freight (45kB)
03/11/2012 - Rail User Group awards ceremony - winners of inaugural Railfuture awards (57kB)
02/11/2012 - Railfuture's Airports Survey (60kB)
30/10/2012 - Railfuture National Conference in Birmingham (40kB)
16/10/2012 - West Coast rail franchise fiasco (58kB)
06/10/2012 - Government backs down on RPI+1% fare increases (61kB)
14/07/2012 - Campaigners welcome Midland Main Line electrification (63kB)
13/07/2012 - Railfuture criticises Public Account Committee over HS2 (105kB)
17/06/2012 - Rail campaigners who came to Scotland from across Britain want to copy Scottish Rail Successes (323kB)
14/06/2012 - Don't concrete over railways, say campaigners (229kB)
30/05/2012 - Rail campaingers will be going to conference in Stirling to hear about Scottish successes (189kB)
23/05/2012 - Thames Valley press release after fatality at Ufton Nervet Level Crossing (198kB)
21/05/2012 - Railfuture supports Passenger Focus ticketing report over unfair 'fines' (189kB)
14/05/2012 - Big Hitters Join Rail Campaign (134kB)
30/03/2012 - Railfuture HS2 Policy Statement (217kB)
10/01/2012 - Railfuture response to Government go-ahead for HS2 (144kB)
28/12/2011 - Unfairness of Rail Fare Rises (137kB)
14/12/2011 - Railfuture welcomes Croxley Link go-ahead (45kB)
29/11/2011 - Campaigners welcome major rail projects (46kB)
27/11/2011 - Rail Campaigners welcome RPI+3% fare increase backdown (43kB)
21/11/2011 - Last chance to get HS2 right following TSC announcement (49kB)
11/11/2011 - Railfuture calls for faster Heathrow-Reading rail link (47kB)
09/07/2011 - Railfuture High-Speed Conference finds Common Ground (78kB)
19/05/2011 - Initial Reaction by Railfuture to the McNulty Review (206kB)
23/03/2011 - Rail campaigners welcome news that Swindon-Kemble rail line will be re-doubled (32kB)
23/03/2011 - Rail passengers give guarded welcome to budget (34kB)
02/03/2011 - Rail Passengers react positively to News of further electrification (33kB)
27/12/2010 - Railfuture says that rail fares up again but worse is to come (46kB)
24/12/2010 - Railfuture calls for HS2 route rethink - capacity not speed (37kB)
14/11/2010 - Plaid Cymru adopts Railfuture ideas to develop railways (36kB)
10/11/2010 - National rail conference comes to Shoreditch (39kB)
26/08/2010 - Getting Better Value for Money Out of the Railways (102kB)
28/06/2010 - National rail conference comes to Taunton (42kB)
12/03/2010 - Must HS2 go through the Chilterns? (37kB)
03/02/2010 - Research finds quality of airport links varies (35kB)
25/01/2010 - Campaigners Look Forward to Improved Welsh Rail Services (36kB)
20/01/2010 - Railfuture issues its rail manifesto for the 21st century (75kB)
09/12/2009 - Alistair Darling's electrification is welcome news for rail users (38kB)
01/11/2009 - Corby rail reopening inspires Railfuture conference (41kB)
19/10/2009 - Railfuture calls for axed road cash to upgrade the railway (41kB)
21/09/2009 - Railfuture calls for rolling electrification programme (45kB)
01/07/2009 - Stability and improvements needed after National Express East Coast collapse (33kB)
31/03/2009 - Railfuture report highlights lack of joined-up thinking on Britain's railway (59kB)
29/01/2009 - Railfuture calls for 100mph Oxford-Cambridge rail link (41kB)
04/01/2009 - Railfuture says it's payback time for excessive rail fares (41kB)
15/11/2008 - Railfuture's 'Railways in the future' London conference sells out (40kB)
01/11/2008 - Last chance for reopened railway to Radstock? (33kB)
22/09/2008 - Money to reopen the Portishead rail line is there for the asking (38kB)
05/08/2008 - Rail campaigners cheer new Eurostar service for Ashford (41kB)
16/07/2003 - Railfuture publishes report comparing National Rail Cards across Europe (118kB)
14/04/2003 - Report commissioned by Railfuture makes case for a National Rail Card to give discounts (117kB)
21/03/2001 - Railfuture launches '2001: A Rail Odyssey' campaign for a better railway (292kB)
01/02/2001 - Railfuture calls for a national rail strategy (283kB)
17/10/2000 - Railfuture calls for responsible media reporting after Hatfield derailment (275kB)
10/05/2000 - More money needs to be spent on rail safety and investment (283kB)
25/04/2000 - Warning about hidden costs of Virgin Trains' new fares (280kB)
18/02/2000 - Railfuture calls on ASLEF to think of the passengers in Connex dispute (282kB)
Many of these documents will use the old company name (Railway Development Society Ltd). Since 1st January 2018 we have been Railfuture Ltd.
CAUTION: Older documents may no longer reflect Railfuture's current policies. Contact details may also be out of date: please always get latest details from
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