


Railfuture operates two different ways of generating additional income to help its funding. The Monthly Lottery is exclusively for members, and can be joined by mail or online. The Annual Draw is open to members, supporters and the general public. Both are described on this page


  1. To comply with the rules of the UK Gambling Commission, the lottery is only open to fully-paid up members of Railfuture. Individuals with 'supporter' status and Railwatch subscribers are not eligible. In the case of joint memberships the first-named person is deemed to be the member of the lottery.
  2. The member will enter the lottery at the first draw after payment is processed and remain in the lottery for each consecutive monthly draw until the period covered by their payment has expired or they cease to be a member of Railfuture, whichever is the earlier. Their entry will not be placed in the draw if their membership renewal date has passed.
  3. A person ceases to be a member of Railfuture after their membership has lapsed (which is normally six months after their renewal date); or if written notice of their death or resignation is received; or if they are expelled from Railfuture.
  4. It is your responsibility to cancel your standing order or PayPal subscription (if you chose the recurring [aka regular] payment option).
  5. Refunds are at the discretion of the Board of Directors and will only be considered if a written request is received. Such requests should be sent to the Lottery Organiser by emailing [lottery at railfuture.org.uk] or writing to Railfuture Lottery, 13 Stories Park, East Linton, East Lothian EH40 3BN.
  6. There is no limit to the number of entries a member may have in the draw.
  7. Prizes are allocated based on a total equal to half the number of valid entries each month. The number of prizes will vary depending on the number of valid entries, but will not fall below three. First prize will be equal or greater than 33% of the valid entries. Prize winners are the top values of a computer-generated random number allocated to each valid entry at the time of each draw.
  8. New members will receive a welcome letter detailing their allocated number(s) for the draw. Renewal payments will only be acknowledged when requested.
  9. Prizes can be paid into a bank account (preferred), by cheque, used to get more lottery numbers or extend the current lottery numbers. They can also be used to extend your Railfuture membership.
  10. Prizes are paid in Sterling (aka GBP). It may be possible, by special arrangement, to pay winnings into a non-GBP bank account, but the winner will be liable for any bank transfer fee incurred.
  11. Renewal reminders will be sent to entrants immediately after the last draw in which they had valid entries.
  12. Railfuture aims to send prize payments within one month of the draw taking place. A list of winners will be published in Railwatch. If payment has not been received by this time please contact the Lottery Organiser (see address above).
  13. In case of any complaint, please write, in the first instance, to the Lottery Organiser. As a last resort, if you feel your complaint is unresolved, please contact the Financial Director at the company's registered office: Edinburgh House, 1-5 Bellevue Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7NP.
  14. We use the personal information you give us for internal administration purposes including maintaining a membership database, sending you Railwatch through the postal system and notifying you of Railfuture activities. The information may also be passed to your local branch to enable them to contact you about local issues and send you details of branch activities. No information is passed to any person or organisation outside Railfuture without your specific permission. If you wish to place any further restrictions on the use of your personal information please contact Membership Renewals at [renewals at railfuture.org.uk] or write to the postal address shown on renewal page.


Please note: The Annual Draw is currently not being operated but it is hoped to re-launch it at some point.

Legal Information
Both the Railfuture Monthly Lottery and Annual Draw run on behalf of Railfuture.
Railfuture is the campaigning name of Railfuture Ltd.
A not-for-profit Company Limited by Guarantee.
Registered in England and Wales No. 05011634.
Registered Office: Edinburgh House, 1-5 Bellevue Road, Clevedon, North Somerset BS21 7NP (for legal correspondence only).
All other correspondence to 14 Ghent Field Circle, Thurston, Suffolk IP31 3UP