A volunteer railway has launched an appeal to raise £500,000 after being hit by floods which dumped two weeks worth of rain in one day on 19 June 2007.

Tracks at the Severn Valley Railway were left suspended in mid-air with the ballast washed away.

In 45 separate locations between Bewdley and Bridgnorth the ground has moved or slipped. The majority of these locations will require attention, which is within the scope of the SVR maintenance teams assisted by some machinery.

For example, drainage channels have been blocked by debris, in addition silt and mud have covered the tracks completely in places.

But in at least nine locations, the damage is such that external expertise and heavy plant and equipment will be required to enable the SVR full service to recommence.

At these locations the SVR estimates repair work will take many weeks. Repairs to the major areas of damage are likely to cost in excess of  £500,000, but to restore the railway to its former glory could exceed £1million.

For more details or to donate to the fund, go to:
