Friends of Homerton Station in Hackney, London, are celebrating winning two awards and the first year of having wildflowers at the station.

The Friends are having a party at the Kenton pub, near the station, from 18.00 on Wednesday 24 November.

They won the best community project in the Hackney in Bloom 2010 and the Hackney Volunteer Team 2010.

They say the party will be a great chance to meet other volunteers, and hopefully supporters in the rail companies, as well as the Friends funders.

“We're delighted to have won this award,“ said one of the organisers. “Thanks to everyone who has taken part in planting wildflowers, commissioning posters, helping with the street AGM and other events. This award is for all of you!"

The Friends are planning a wildflower planting day on Sunday 21 November.

“If you can help out, you can either sign up on Big Tent or let me know directly.

“One of the advantages of signing up to Big Tent is that you can see who else has volunteered on a particular date, and you can share comments and ideas with other volunteers. It only takes a minute or two to sign up: bigtent

Photos of the wildflowers at the station can be seen at: Fran Monks photos

Friends of Homerton Station

Contact: friendsofhomerton at

Kenton pub