A party of rail campaigners is travelling to London today (25 May 2011) to support "much loved" Ian Faletto who has been sacked from his job at Lymington, Hampshire, by South West Trains.

The Friends of the Lymington to Brockenhurst Line have appealed to SWT to reconsider Ian's case, so far without success, so today they are presenting a 5,000 signature petition to the train operator.

SWT has defended the dismissal of 50-year-old Mr Faletto, who says he was fired for removing a shopping trolley that had been dumped on the line (which is third-rail electrified) near Lymington Town station.

Ian, who has worked on the railways for 27 years, said: “I had done my damnedest to prevent a rail accident."

Ian scooped awards for the way he ran nearby Sway station, which won Best Small Station in the SWT Station Pride Awards in 2003. Ten weeks after he transferred to Lymington in 2006, it was named the most improved station in the region.

"He is much missed at the station," said the Friends. "Ian has devoted many hours of his own time and money to keeping the station looking attractive. He has provided excellent customer service to all who use the station."

The Friends stress how important it is to them to maintain the "heritage" character of the station as well as Ian's standards of care.

SWT said: “This case involved a serious breach of safety. The dismissal decision had already been subject to a full and detailed review and our internal consideration of the case is closed."

SWT is part of the Stagecoach group.

MP Desmond Swayne asked SWT to reconsider. He said: "What's happened to him is awful. The public's sense of justice is outraged."

A Lymington vicar, the Reverend Alex Russell, launched a petition urging SWT to give him his job back.

She said: “Employees aren’t allowed on the track unless they’re a specific grade but an exception can be made if it’s a question of averting danger –Lymington Town station and that’s exactly what he did.”

The Friends also plan to organise a fighting fund for Ian's employment tribunal hearing.

Contributions can be sent to Robin and Georgina Crauford, 75 High Street, Lymington SO41 3RF.
Email: Georgina Crauford at gc at gcraufurd.wanadoo.co.uk.

In March, police said "significant damage" was done to a train which hit a shopping trolley on to the line at Kidsgrove station, Staffordshire. The train was taken out of service, two other trains were cancelled, six were part-cancelled and a further 34 suffered delays, reported The Sentinel local paper.

Information from Josephine Martin.