
Vice Presidents

Railfuture selects its Vice Presidents with care. They comprise MPs and Peers from most political parties as well as experienced people from across the rail industry.

Image The Rt Hon the Lord Berkeley OBE MICE

Image Ian Brown CBE

Rhodri Clark Rhodri Clark

Image Roger Ford

Image Chris Green

Image Christopher Irwin

Image Stewart Palmer

Image Peter Rayner FCILT FIRO

Image The Rt Hon the Lord Snape

Paul McLennan MSP.  SNP. New VP 2022 Paul McLennan MSP

Image Martin Vickers MP

Image Alan Williams

In memoriam:

Peter Lawrence passed away on 4th May 2023. He had been a Vice-President since 2012, having been President from 2004 and Chairman since 2000.

Dr Michael Caton, a former President of Railfuture predecessor the Railway Development Society, and former Vice-Chairman of the National Council on Inland Transport, passed away aged 88 on 24th March 2023.

David Bertram passed away on 7th March 2023 - PTSI Transportation obituary here.

Very sad that Adrian Shooter, one of the rail industry's stalwarts, passed away on 13th December 2022. Adrian became a Railfuture Vice-President in 2012, coincidentally the inaugural year of our annual Awards for Rail User Groups, and Adrian was one of the judging panel from its inception. His steadfast loyalty to that particular cause was exemplified a decade later when, despite ailing health and not content with only assessing nominations for the best website remotely, he came to London in late-June 2022 to be present in the meeting of his fellow Vice-Presidents and our Honorary President for the full panel's judging session. Nothing was ever too much trouble for Adrian. The Times obituary mentioned his role as a Railfuture Vice-President.
On 13th April 2023 a celebration presented by the Leamington Society of A life of entrepreneurial public service was given in a talk by former colleague Ian Baxter, Strategy Director of SLC Rail and President of the Friends of Leamington Station, in the Royal Pump Rooms, Leamington Spa; enjoy it here.