
Railfuture organisation

Click on section name: Constitution / Annual General Meetings / Annual Reviews or Reports / Railfuture national board / Elections / Honorary roles / National Groups / Branches / Members


Railfuture operates as a company limited by guarantee, Railfuture Ltd. View or download its Memorandum and Articles of Association as last amended in July 2022.

Annual General Meetings

Next AGM:
  • Saturday 5 July 2025 at the Great North Museum in Newcastle
Previous AGMs:
View or download the Standing Orders for General Meetings which were adopted at the 2016 AGM.

Annual Reviews or Reports

Railfuture no longer produces an Annual Review or Report, but you can view or download previous ones:

Railfuture national board

Railfuture Ltd has a nine-strong Board of Directors who are elected by the whole membership, each for a 3-year term so with one-third of the Directors elected annually. Directors are bound by their own Code of Conduct.

Nominate/choose a Director
Nominations for Directors must be received no later than 1 February each year. If there are more candidates than vacant places then a ballot will take place, with each member being sent a voting paper in late March/early April.


Since 2008 Directors have had a three-year term, with one third of the Directors being elected by the whole membership each year. Since May 2016 the Chairman has been appointed annually from among the Directors.

The Vice-Chairman is also appointed annually by the Directors from among themselves, and portfolios - Policy, Passenger, Infrastructure & Networks, Freight & Logistics, Communications, Governance, Membership, Finance & IT - are assigned to the Directors by agreement among themselves. Every branch has a liaison Director confirmed annually by the Board.

If a Director resigns or otherwise vacates a post during their term, their place will remain vacant until the next AGM, when a new Director may be elected to serve the balance of their 3-year term. However, the Directors may co-opt according to the rules stated in the Memorandum and Articles of Association. A co-opted Director remains only until the next AGM (or the AGM after if they were appointed after nominations for new Directors closed).

Go to Elections for details on how to vote or stand for election. You can also download a nomination form.

The results are announced at the national AGM held every May-July.

Honorary roles

These are honorary roles, to advise Railfuture and help to raise our profile. Role holders take no part in running Railfuture or determining Railfuture policy, and their personal views are not endorsed by Railfuture.

Honorary President
Christian Wolmar

Vice presidents
A list and brief details of Railfuture honorary Vice presidents

National Groups

Individual members form the national groups which determine policy and manage the activities of the society.


Railfuture has 12 branches in England, plus Wales and Scotland, which meet locally and campaign on local issues.


View or download the Railfuture Member's Handbook which is intended as a guide to give new members a basic understanding of what Railfuture is all about and as a pointer to where to look for more detailed information.

All members, including Directors, have a Resolution of Problems process available. All members are bound by a Code of Conduct.

Railfuture holds an annual Branches and Groups Day with the active members from our national Groups and regional Branches. In 2021 it was held online on Thursday 14 October.