Click on Conferences / Events / Rail dates / RUG Awards / Railfuture Member of the Year / AGM and other members only meetings
Note that virtual meetings and other events are marked ONLINE.
Railfuture's previous conference took place as a 90-minute ONLINE event on Wednesday 12 January 2022. Click Webinar for further details; or watch the recording.
Railfuture conferences are competitively priced and are open to everyone. Speakers come from rail promoters, transport authorities, train operators, Network Rail and stakeholder groups. Railfuture members can benefit from 'early-bird' discount bookings, while non-members can benefit from an attractive discounted 'attend-and-join' package.
Click events for a month by month list. Inclusion in the list does not imply Railfuture endorsement of the event.
Click rail dates and then choose a section heading for key dates.
Click RUG Awards for details of the variety of winners in 2024 and previous years since inauguration in 2012.
The RUG Awards are judged by a panel of Railfuture Vice-Presidents, and from inauguration in 2012 until 2018 the awards were announced by our Honorary President Christian Wolmar (or in his absence a Vice-President) at our annual Autumn Conferences.
The most recent RUG Awards were presented at the 2024 AGM held on Saturday 13 July 2024 in central Edinburgh; the previous awards were presented at the 2023 AGM, held in central London on Saturday 15 July 2023. The 2022 Awards, the first since the global pandemic, were presented on Saturday 16 July, following the 2022 AGM.
Do you know someone who in 2024 has contributed to the success of Railfuture or raised our profile, by for example campaigning successfully for an improved or new rail service? Perhaps they work behind the scenes, helping their local branch or engaging stakeholders. If you think they deserve recognition we want to hear about them by Monday 30th June 2025:
The 2024 Award is due to be presented after the national AGM in July 2025.
The 2023 Award for Railfuture Member of the Year was presented in Edinburgh to Ann Hindley, from Lincolnshire branch, immediately following formal business of the national AGM on Saturday 13 July 2024.
The 2022 award for Railfuture Campaigner of the Year was presented in Bristol to Railfuture Scotland's Jane Ann Liston at the national AGM in July 2022.
Previous awards
For details of the 2023 national AGM click on London AGM. For reports on previous AGMs and previous Annual Reports, click on Railfuture Organisation.
For details of other national Railfuture meetings but open only to elected/selected members click on Board or National Groups.
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Note that virtual meetings and other events are marked ONLINE.
Our most recent in-person national conference was held in Leeds on Thursday 30 March 2023 (postponed from Thursday 15 September 2022). Click Leeds 2023 for more details.Railfuture's previous conference took place as a 90-minute ONLINE event on Wednesday 12 January 2022. Click Webinar for further details; or watch the recording.
Railfuture conferences are competitively priced and are open to everyone. Speakers come from rail promoters, transport authorities, train operators, Network Rail and stakeholder groups. Railfuture members can benefit from 'early-bird' discount bookings, while non-members can benefit from an attractive discounted 'attend-and-join' package.
There are many free or low-priced events across Britain for volunteers such as Railfuture members, and the general public, as well as more expensive conferences organised by and for professionals. Look out for those now ONLINE.Click events for a month by month list. Inclusion in the list does not imply Railfuture endorsement of the event.
Rail dates
Public consultations, franchising dates, official publications, Control Period 7 planning dates, and service alterations for some railway improvement projects.Click rail dates and then choose a section heading for key dates.
RUG Awards
Railfuture organises awards for Rail User Groups (RUGs), the RUG Awards, which aim to recognise and reward local volunteers who come together and work tirelessly to improve their local railway and stations on behalf of their passengers, efforts which all-too-often would otherwise pass unheralded. Newsletters, websites, campaigns, campaigners, new groups, and use of social media - all are in the field for the 'shy and retiring' to be bold and have a go at celebrating success!Click RUG Awards for details of the variety of winners in 2024 and previous years since inauguration in 2012.
The RUG Awards are judged by a panel of Railfuture Vice-Presidents, and from inauguration in 2012 until 2018 the awards were announced by our Honorary President Christian Wolmar (or in his absence a Vice-President) at our annual Autumn Conferences.
The most recent RUG Awards were presented at the 2024 AGM held on Saturday 13 July 2024 in central Edinburgh; the previous awards were presented at the 2023 AGM, held in central London on Saturday 15 July 2023. The 2022 Awards, the first since the global pandemic, were presented on Saturday 16 July, following the 2022 AGM.
Railfuture Member of the Year
Now re-named from Railfuture Campaigner of the Year.Do you know someone who in 2024 has contributed to the success of Railfuture or raised our profile, by for example campaigning successfully for an improved or new rail service? Perhaps they work behind the scenes, helping their local branch or engaging stakeholders. If you think they deserve recognition we want to hear about them by Monday 30th June 2025:
- Nominations may be made by any member of Railfuture;
- Any and only Railfuture members are eligible to be nominated.
The 2024 Award is due to be presented after the national AGM in July 2025.
The 2023 Award for Railfuture Member of the Year was presented in Edinburgh to Ann Hindley, from Lincolnshire branch, immediately following formal business of the national AGM on Saturday 13 July 2024.
The 2022 award for Railfuture Campaigner of the Year was presented in Bristol to Railfuture Scotland's Jane Ann Liston at the national AGM in July 2022.
Jane Ann Liston, Secretary of Railfuture Scotland, presented virtually at the national AGM held in Bristol in 2022 for the St. Andrews reopening campaign.
Previous awards
Dennis Fancett, chair of SENRUG, presented by Allison Cosgrove in 2021 for the Ashington Blyth and Tyne reopening campaign success. Photo by Dave Shaw.
Ariadne Tampion, then chair of East Midlands branch, presented by Christian Wolmar in 2019 for the 'InterCity Kitty' campaign for improved Derby - Crewe services. Photo by Peter Travis.
AGM and other members only meetings
The national Annual General Meeting for Railfuture members is held between May and July each year. The agenda is published online and with Railwatch in March. At the AGM, the annual report and accounts are received, the result of elections to the Board of Directors is announced, and any motions submitted by members (on policy, strategy, organisation) are discussed and voted on. The most recent AGM was held on Saturday 13 July 2024, in Edinburgh.For details of the 2023 national AGM click on London AGM. For reports on previous AGMs and previous Annual Reports, click on Railfuture Organisation.
For details of other national Railfuture meetings but open only to elected/selected members click on Board or National Groups.
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