
Press release 13th December 2015

Yeovil's two stations connected at last

Rail campaigners have welcomed news of a slightly more joined-up railway. A direct rail service will operate between Yeovil Pen Mill and Yeovil Junction from Monday the 14th of December. "Amazingly, there hasn't been a direct rail service between these two stations for 47 years" said Nigel Bray from the campaign group Railfuture. "More connections means more options for travellers which will hopefully make rail travel more attractive. It makes it increasingly possible to make rail journeys between Devon and South Dorset. And it will be much more convenient for people with luggage or pushchairs than using buses or taxis ". South West Trains are operating 10 trains per day, Monday to Friday, although the service will initially be afternoons and evenings only. "We hope that in due course this will be extended to a regular all-day week-round service. Rail use is booming, so we're confident it will be a success" said Nigel.

Notes to editors:

Railfuture is the UK's leading independent organisation campaigning forbetter rail services for both passengers and freight.

Railfuture's website can be found at: www.railfuture.org.uk

Follow Railfuture on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Railfuture

For further information and comment please contact:

Nigel Bray, Severnside branch secretary
Tel: 01452 615 619 Mobile: 07817 367065
nigel.bray at railfuture.org.uk

Bruce Williamson, media spokesman
Tel: 0117 927 2954 Mobile: 07759 557389
media at railfuture.org.uk
