The European Parliament has backed rail campaigners in their demands that lorries should pay their fair share for the congestion, accidents, noise, global warming and air pollution they cause.

MEPs have told the European Commission to allow for all these costs when they revise the Eurovignette road-use scheme this year. Traditionally and quite unfairly, the wider community has picked up the tab for these so-called “external costs”.

It has long been a massive subsidy to one of the most damaging transport modes.

MEPs on the Parliament’s transport commitee took action after a report on sustainable transport policy by their Italian colleague Gabriele Albertini who took evidence from the European rail industry.

Their motion read: “The Parliament urges the Commission to submit, by June 2008 at the latest, a comprehensible, transparent generally applicable model for assessing the external costs of all modes of transport, on which to base future calculation of the charges to be paid for the use of infrastructure.

“The Parliament observes that, under Directive 2006/38/EC, that model must be accompanied by an analysis of the impact of
internalising external costs for all modes of transport and by a strategy for phasing in the model for all modes of transport.

“The Parliament looks to the Commission, alongside the above initiative, if necessary, to produce legislative proposals starting with the revision of the Eurovignette Directive.”

European rail leaders have welcomed the action as “one very important step forward”.

Michael Robson, who represents European rail infrastructure managers, said: “Eurovignette is an important instrument to
achieve fair charging between the different types of transport. I look forward to seeing the expected Commission proposals later this year.

“The road industry produces pollutants that it is never charged for. It is now time to act to ensure that we secure a level playing field in the transport market. We believe the polluter must pay.”

Mr Andre Navarri of the European Railway Industries said “Rail transport is the only credible transport mode which can sufficiently, effectively and sustainably deliver solutions for the 21st century.”

Information from EIM
UNIFE uropean Rail Industries