Railfuture is conducting a survey about passenger satisfaction with Eurostar.

Please help us by completing a questionnaire about any Eurostar journey made by you or a friend, relative or work colleague during this summer (2011).

Railfuture last conducted such a survey in the winter of 2007-8 and our international committee wants to see how the passenger experience has improved – or otherwise – since then.

We welcome your comments, positive and negative, and aim to issue a report in mid November.

As part of the same project, the international committee members are also undertaking a mystery shopper exercise which includes checking to see if train operating companies promote Eurostar in their own publicity, on paper, online and at stations.

For example, East Coast’s website contains a handy link to Eurostar.

On the concourse at Nottingham station there is a large banner advertising the fact that Paris is only four hours 49 minutes away by train.

Yet there are also some train operators which seem to assume that their passengers do not want to go anywhere else in the UK, let alone to continental Europe!

If you would like to help us with this exercise, please contact Chris Brown at 24a Lannimore Close, Lincoln LN5 8SF or email him on chris.brown at railfuture.org.uk

You can download the questionnaire here: Eurostar survey 2011 127kb.