Many rail campaigners were angered by the savage cuts imposed on Britain’s rail network following the Beeching report and its perverse form of accounting.

Huge swathes of the country were cut off from rail services, clearing the way for the cynical and now discredited politician Ernest Marples to make a fortune from road building.

But entertainer Andy Collier prefers to poke gentle fun at the “demon” Dr Beeching.

Andy is presenting an afternoon of music and humour at Stewartby on the Bedford-Bletchley branch line which survived Beeching’s axe.

The event on Saturday 15 October 2011 is being organised in conjunction with the Marston Vale Community Rail Partnership and the Bedford to Bletchley Rail Users’ Association.

Beeching’s Folly is being staged at Stewartby village hall at 14.45.

You can travel to Stewartby from Bedford on the 13.55 train which arrives at Stewartby at 14.08 or from Bletchley on the 14.01 train which arrives at 14.28.

Stewartby village hall is a short walk from Stewartby station.

Adults £5, Senior Citizens £4, Children under 16 years £3. £1 off the entry fee when you show your train ticket!



Andy Collier

Download the flier: Beeching's Folly