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There is just one day left of a crucial three-day period in the battle to get a railway reopened.

Saturday 7 December 2012 is the final day on which people can donate money as part of a "Big Give" initiative for the Norfolk Orbital Railway's plan to extend an existing railway into the market town of Holt.

The aim is to purchase land so that the North Norfolk's line at Holt can be extended into the centre of town.

Donations (which can be maximised through Gift Aid) may also be topped up by funds from the Big Give.

Campaigners had to raise £15,000 in October in order to show the Big Give that there was public support for the project. It achieved this.

Now the railway campaigners are competing against other projects for money from the Big Give.

If you would like to give, please go to Norfolk Orbital Railway

The extension is being promoted independently of the North Norfolk Railway, as an early phase of the Norfolk Orbital Railway.

However, the North Norfolk Railway will benefit from the reinstated link into Holt town as its trains will no longer terminate at High Kelling on the outskirts of the town.

This means that the NNR will be able to offer a proper rail service, for people who rely on public transport, rather than just a tourist service, for the many who arrive by car.

This funding-raising event will help towards the purchase of land (terms have been agreed) and legal fees. There will be another fundraising effort to raise money for the design and build stage.