
Rail booster

Author: Ray King - Published Wed 22 of Jun, 2011 21:28 BST - (4156 Reads)
The 'Yes to High Speed Rail' publicity bus outside Parliament in London on Wednesday 22 June 2011 with a few protesters with placards saying: We can't afford it

Eurostar survey

Author: Ray King - Published Mon 30 of May, 2011 21:05 BST - (5070 Reads)
A Eurostar and a Javelin train at the opening of St Pancras International station in 2007. Picture by Eddie Macdonald for London and Continental Railways

McNulty danger

Author: Ray King - Published Thu 19 of May, 2011 17:38 BST - (4684 Reads)
Closed ticket offices: One way train operators have tried to make cuts at the expense of providing a service. Let us hope the Government does not follow this stupid way to save money.

Bus madness

Author: Ray King - Published Sun 01 of May, 2011 20:54 BST - (5320 Reads)
The busway in Essen, Germany, takes up road space rather than robbing the railway of a useful and popular route