
Timetable trauma

Author: Chris Page - Published Sun 03 of Jun, 2018 15:11 BST - (4624 Reads)
In his letter to local MPs Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has thrown Network Rail, Govia Thameslink and Northern Rail under the bus, but how much responsibility should the DfT bear for the excessive cancellations and delays following the introduction of new timetables? Photo by James Chespy.

Fare value and choice

Author: Chris Page - Published Tue 29 of May, 2018 19:26 BST - (5064 Reads)
Some people are deterred from travelling by train by the complexity of buying a ticket and the perception that fares are expensive, whilst some passengers are unclear whether they have the best deal so feel ripped off. Image: Play the ticket maze game to reach the Oyster!

Market-led proposals

Author: Chris Page - Published Sat 19 of May, 2018 13:08 BST - (6739 Reads)
The invitation by the Department of Transport on 20th March 2018 for investors to invest in rail infrastructure ‘made it real’ for the promoters of privately financed lines such as Heathrow Southern Railway and London & Southern Counties Railways.
Image: Service opportunities, by Heathrow Southern Railway.

Rail reopening fund

Author: Chris Page - Published Mon 14 of May, 2018 20:05 BST - (9058 Reads)
Railfuture have linked with the Campaign for Better Transport to deliver a letter to Transport Secretary Chris Grayling calling for a Network Development Fund to pay for project development of realistic proposals for new and reopened stations and lines with the best projects joining a pool of national projects to be taken to full development and implementation. Photo: Railfuture media spokesman Bruce Williamson at the Department for Transport with the letter to hand in.

The Nuckle saga – déjà vu

Author: Michael Tombs - Published Wed 02 of May, 2018 20:32 BST - (4132 Reads)
After 6 different opening dates, the new service at Kenilworth station finally started on 30 April – good news for frustrated Kenilworth residents at last. However the delays and cost overrun does raise the question of whether local authorities are yet equipped to manage rail development projects.Photos of Kenilworth station by Michael Tombs for Railfuture.

Curzon Street disconnected

Author: Phil Bennion - Published Fri 30 of Mar, 2018 19:33 BST - (7149 Reads)
HS2 must be integrated with local transport networks, otherwise congestion, not economic growth, will be generated. However in Birmingham, the HS2 terminus at Curzon Street will be remote from local rail services, even though they run alongside. Phil Bennion, a past MEP for the West Midlands, has a solution. Image: Curzon Street station between existing rail line and new development area.

Riding sunbeams

Author: Chris Page - Published Mon 12 of Mar, 2018 16:57 GMT - (5024 Reads)
10:10, the climate change charity, is working with the Energy Futures Lab at Imperial College, London, to develop a viable solution for solar-powered railways. The graphic by 10:10 Climate Action illustrates the principle. It is ironic that the artist has depicted a diesel unit but we like the picture so used it anyway.

Wisbech half-hourly

Author: Peter Wakefield - Published Sun 11 of Mar, 2018 23:49 GMT - (4425 Reads)
Railfuture has joined together with local people, rail planning experts and influential local business leaders to progress Wisbechrail through a new group they have set up called the Wisbech Consultative Group. This will harness peoples’ ideas about where the station should be, what facilities it should have and other issues to do with a new train service.

Woodhead spurned

Author: Ray King - Published Wed 07 of Mar, 2018 14:03 GMT - (10665 Reads)
This picture is the image chosen by Transport for the North to illustrate its Long Term Rail Strategy. Is it fantasy or reality?

Railworker fatigue survey

Author: Lorna Brock - Published Mon 05 of Mar, 2018 19:22 GMT - (2837 Reads)
A UK rail employee survey to explore the relationship between self-reported fatigue levels and characteristics of influential risk factors of workload, sleep quality and daily life events.

HS2 connectivity

Author: Chris Page - Published Fri 02 of Mar, 2018 16:53 GMT - (4788 Reads)
HS2 will create massive extra rail capacity, but unless it is integrated with local transport networks to create connectivity with city centres and their surrounding city regions, congestion not economic growth will result. Image: proposed colocation of HS2 platforms and existing city centre station at Leeds.

Milan compared

Author: Ian Brown - Published Sun 07 of Jan, 2018 16:47 GMT - (4216 Reads)
A modern Trenord low platform double deck accessible train. The picture was taken at Come Ferro Nord station. Staffed with a waiting room, toilets and a really nice snack bar. All photos by Ian Brown CBE, Chair European Passenger Group, for Railfuture.

Fixing our creaking railways

Author: Ian Brown and Chris Austin - Published Sun 03 of Dec, 2017 00:09 GMT - (4022 Reads)
The government’s Strategic Vision for Rail, published on 29th November 2017, sets out a vision for our railways. The proposal to reopen lines closed by Beeching captured the attention of the press, but equally significant were the proposals for joint operation of train and track and changes to the franchising system. Apperley Bridge, which opened in 2015, is an example of a rail development which unlocked new housing in an area within commuting distance of Leeds. Photo by Chris Austin for Railfuture.