Railfuture has 12 branches in England plus Wales and Scotland which are involved in local issues and come together to support Railfuture on national campaigns.
To see a 'dashboard' summary of information about the branch (generic contact details, list of newsletters, branch pages and more) click on one of the maps above or the branch area on the map below. Click LIBRARY to see a list of information available nationally and for every branch (includes many hundreds of files to download).
Please click on the branch name below to find individual contacts plus campaign information for your local group. Click on the corresponding Twitter icon to see their tweets.
Devon and Cornwall
East Anglia
East Midlands
London and South East
North East
North West
Thames Valley
West Midlands
Railfuture Scotland
Railfuture Cymru/Wales
Click NEWSLETTERS for links to the latest newsletter for each branch and TWITTER to see a list of all Railfuture Twitter accounts showing the number of tweets and followers including date of last tweet.
For Railfuture branch contact details across Britain please see Who's Who (PDF). Please do not send direct messages to Twitter accounts for important requests as they are not all monitored frequently.